This past Friday marked the opening of the brand new Hundreds store in SoHo. The LA based brand has decided to invade the East Coast with a new location that's worth writing home about. I was one of the few that was allowed to snap some photos inside the store and I must say, it's pretty impressive [head over to
The Madbury Club to see some of the shots]. In celebration of this day, The Hundreds tamed up with LTD to have a bbq on the LTD rooftop, conveniently located around the corner. Luckily for us, the heavens were on our side and the rain held out. A lot of big names were in attendance including Hawaii Mike, Ben and Bobby Hundreds, the good brothers Phil Annand and Ellington [check out Phil's tee, serious ting], Ferris Bueller, Ray of Mighty Healthy, Ronnie Fieg, Mel D. Cole, 13th Whitness, and others. Fat shouts to Hawaii Mike for assembling the shindig. Check out some of t

he imagery...

A reminder from the Murphy Group family...just because today is Labor Day doesn't mean that summer is over. There are still warm days to be seized, sun to soaked up, bar-b-ques to be had, and life to be lived. Especially on a day like today. I ask politely for you to step away from the computer and get outside. I promise the new Jordans and latest Kanye track will still be there when you get back. Enjoy.